Personal Loans

The Advantages of a Credit Union Personal Loan

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The Advantages of Getting a Personal Loan From a Credit Union

You can get a personal loan from a few places, including your local bank or a local savings and loan (S&L) company. But credit unions are often the best places to turn for a personal loan. A credit union is a special kind of bank formed by people who have something in common—often a shared workplace, profession or set of values.

United Teletech Financial is a credit union that was originally created in 1967 to serve employees of Bell Labs, but we’re now open to anyone who lives, works, worships, attends school or volunteers in Monmouth County, Ocean County and parts of central Middlesex County. We’re a not-for-profit financial collective.

While we offer the same services that banks do, we’re owned by our members. That means that our earnings go right back to our members in the form of better rates, lower fees and extra services.

Advantage of Using a Credit Union for a Personal Loans

Credit unions like us are great places to turn for personal loans. That’s because we tend to offer lower-priced services than ordinary banks. At your credit union, you’ll likely find lower rates on loans than you would at a bank. And you’ll get other benefits of being a credit union member, too, like free checking or low minimum balance requirements on accounts.

Another benefit is that Credit unions may also offer lower minimum loan amounts than banks, letting you get the flexibility you need to borrow just the right amount. You might also find that our fees are lower than other lenders.

With a credit union, you’ll also get a personal loan from a place that values you as an individual. You’re not just a number. While banks see only dollar signs, your credit union sees YOU. And shouldn’t a personal loan be just what we call it: Personal? You need a lender who works with you, supports you as a credit union member and takes your entire situation into account when making loan decisions.

Is a Personal Loan Right for You?

Personal loans are great for everything from financing vacations to consolidating debt. Yet, you might be questioning if a personal loan is the best next step for you. At United Teletech Financial, we can help. Allow our team to learn more about your financial situation so we can help you reach your goals.

Apply for a Personal Loan Today

Experience the difference a credit union makes. To get started with a personal loan from United Teletech Financial, Check Your Rate in Minutes today. You can also call us at 866-462-5532 to talk with us about your personal loan options.

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Apr=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates include a 0.25% discount for electronic payment from a United Teletech checking account. Max loan amount = $35,000.